How to Winter-Proof your Car? [Infographic]

The coldest season between autumn and spring is winter. It is caused by the tilt of the Earth’s axis. When one hemisphere tilts away from the sun, winter follows. Spring follows when the opposite hemisphere is pointed towards the sun.

Winters can be cold and gloomy. It has shorter days and longer nights. Some areas have the sun setting at the same time as the season. This occurrence does not mean it is invariably fast though.


Also, the sunsets are often earlier than usual, so this is a hibernation time for animals. Some animals may be forced to move from their typical habitats during cold seasons and enter a phase where they sleep, but this is not always possible. Animals stockpile food during this period to keep themselves alive.


Humans are the same. They do not have to go hibernating, but they will gather winter food in case of severe blizzards. Unfortunately, many people have to endure the winter storms and must report to work at a specific time.


For those with an automobile, the length of the day is an integral part of winter. The shivery climate puts extra strain on the engine, and the car’s battery can die. The oil in the motor also thickens, which causes the machine to work harder.

You should inspect your battery if it is not performing as expected. It is time to replace your battery if you find any corrosion.


You must ensure that your car is in good working order. It would be best if you did not panic about this. It is solely a reminder that the car window tinting Plymouth company will continue to remind you how important it is to be safe during winter travels.


To learn how to winterproof your car correctly, check out the infographic below, created by the prominent car tinting Bedford firm, Global Tint UK: